He leads me beside still waters. Psalm 23:2b


The twenty-third psalm can be viewed as a journey through six spaces or seasons. As already noted, the first space is Green Pastures. That’s a place of prosperity orchestrated by the Good Shepherd Himself. How wonderful it is that you and I can rest assured that our good God can order our steps into life in abundance, spiritually and physically!

The second space Yahweh leads us to is STILL WATERS. Observe that this place is defined by two terms. The first term is “still”, meaning quiet or tranquil. It denotes rest, security and PEACE. Beloveds, inner peace is one commodity in serious short supply nowadays. True peace is not the absence of war or strife. Rather it’s a sense of tranquility of heart and mind (see Phil 4:6). It is only possible in Christ (John 14:27). This place of peace is characterised by freedom from anxiety, worry and stress. It is peace, perfect peace!

My dear friend, let me tell you straight: God does not want you to live a stressed life! The peace of God that surpasses all understanding should reign in your heart continually. As the Prince of Peace lives in you, anxiety and restlessness have no room in your heart.

The second term that describes the second space to which the Good Shepherd leads us is “waters”. Water denotes the quenching of thirst or the provision of refreshment. So the place of still waters is also the place of rest and refreshment. Believers should be the freshest people in the world!

Note too that the Bible depicts the Holy Spirit as living waters. And the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace and more. Suffice it to say that when we are led by and filled with the Spirit, we will experience a life of uncommon peace. It’s a peace that does not depend on circumstances but on Who leads us and dwells within us. As a rule, our Good Shepherd NEVER leads us to a place of strife, confusion or troubled waters! Saints beware whenever your heart and mind lack inner peace. That’s a telltale sign that you’re probably operating outside divine guidance. That is not your portion!

Pastor Josh