Matthew 9:29
Then he touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith let it be done to you”.
How precious these words must have been to the desperate and persistent blind men to whom the Lord Jesus spoke on this day! It’s interesting that the Son of David in this case linked the blind men’s imminent miracle with THEIR faith. How did this faith manifest?
Firstly, the blind men in their RECOGNITION of who Jesus really was, for they addressed Him as the Son of David (see v27). That title was reserved for the Messiah, the Anointed One promised in the Old Covenant and long-awaited by believing Jews. That’s crucial for us as well, dear friends. It’s important for us to know whom we believe in. It’s not enough to know WHAT we desire. We must also know WHO Jesus is. Who is He to you?
To me He is the Name above all names-before whom every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is LORD. No issue, problem or demon can stand before Him. He’s the Alpha and Omega, King of kings and Lord of lords, Redeemer, Saviour, Healer, Good Shepherd, very God, love personified, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, holding the universe by the word of His power, faithful, full of compassion, rich in mercy and slow to anger-among many other wonderful attributes. Hallelujah!
Secondly, the blind men’s faith manifested in their REQUEST to the Lord Jesus. They were not hesitant to call upon Jesus. They were not ashamed to admit their need. They addressed their petition specifically to Jesus. They didn’t direct their request to the disciples. They didn’t direct their request to angels. They didn’t weary their friends with their petition. They focused their petition to the only one who could help them-the Son of David. So must you and I! We must be crystal clear in our hearts about the real addressee of our prayers and pleas.
Thirdly, the blind men’s faith was RELENTLESS. They kept on calling. They kept on following Jesus through the streets. They pursued Him indoors (see v28). They didn’t take His initial silence for an answer. When Jesus asked whether they believed He could meet their need, they didn’t hesitate. They quickly said yes. They were persistent. So must you and I!
Don’t give up on God. When your faith is tried, keep on believing. When your breakthrough is delayed, hold on. When you’re discouraged, don’t throw in the towel. Let’s keep trusting the Lord come what may. Let’s believe God for supernatural increase this year, regardless of external factors. Pastor Josh
Josh Chigorimbo