Matthew 28:19-20
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 “teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
In this version of the Great Commission, the Lord Jesus gives four imperatives which the true church (and all true Christians) should obey.
Firstly, we have the imperative to GO. This denotes the Church’s obligation to reach out. Every true Christian is a witness to the Gospel. Every true believer must share their faith as a way of life. We were all called to spread the good news of God’s love for all humanity. Regardless of personality, every Christian must be missional.
The Gospel is not meant to be monopolised. It must be shared. We must develop a Going Mindset. We have no right to enjoy the goodness of God on our own. We shouldn’t “hoard” the love of God for ourselves. We mustn’t be selfish with the grace of God. We must not be ashamed of the Gospel. We must let our lights shine wherever we are.
Let us use the resources and channels at our disposal to share the Gospel. For example, don’t just share your photos on social media. Share the love of God. Don’t just show off your good looks. Share the goodness of God for you. Don’t just share your thoughts, treats and talents. Share your testimony. What has God done for you lately? How was church? How are you growing in Christ? What have you learned at church recently? Share some of that with your friends, family and followers.
You’re the light God has placed in your circles. You’re the witness Jesus is counting on in your community. Take advantage of your situation to share the love of God through Christ Jesus. Use every platform available for you. Jesus commands us to go. We mustn’t choose to stay.
Another way to “go” is to fund those who are involved in preaching the Gospel. That refers to those involved in ‘home missions’ or ‘foreign missions’. Home Missions refer to those who preach the Gospel in their countries of residence. Foreign Missions refer to those who take the Gospel to other countries. So, every true church is involved in either home missions or foreign missions or both. When you contribute in your church, you’re participating in the Great Commission.
But it mustn’t end there. Be available to be used by the Holy Spirit as a channel that can connect someone to Jesus. For instance, inviting your friends, family and neighbours to church is part of “going” with the Gospel. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to reach out to the many people around us who are desperate for the salvation you and I enjoy and perhaps take for granted. Say Lord help me to reach out rather than to flee in the opposite direction like Jonah. Pray for a “going mindset”.
Pastor Josh