Galatians 4:6-7
And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, “Abba, Father.” Now you are no longer a slave but God’s own child. And since you are his child, God has made you his heir. NLT
Beloveds, let us practice relating with God as our Heavenly Father, as the Lord Jesus taught us. And that’s how the “model Christian”, that is Jesus Christ Himself, lived and prayed. It’s different from relating with God purely as His Majesty, the eternal King (true as it is).
There’s a huge spiritual advantage we all gain when we truly relate with God as Abba, Father. It’s a game changer. First, we will HONOUR Him. That means we are bound to give Him reverence. Our lives would never dishonour or disgrace Him. We would consider our ways. Smart sons and daughters of the Heavenly Father care about whose name they represent.
Second, we will be His HEIRS. That means we are legally eligible to receive benefits He has predestined for us in this life and afterwards. Hallelujah! So we don’t pray like beggars, but like heirs. We won’t be like the Prodigal Son’s elder brother who didn’t know that he was entitled to everything in his father’s household at any time (see Luke 15:29-31). I love what the boys’ father said to the older one after he had complained, “Look, dear son, you have always stayed by me, and everything I have is yours“. Wow! Can you hear our Heavenly Father say that to you as well? I can.
Moreover, as children of God, we share His identity. Spiritually speaking, we have His DNA. That means in the spiritual realm, our likeness with our Father God is well known. Every demon immediately recognises us as God’s children and cannot mess with us. We will not suffer the fate of the sons of Sceva who were severely assaulted and humiliated by demons because they failed the identity test (see Acts 19:14-16). Let us enjoy our status as children of God today.
Pastor Josh