Genesis 37:8 
His brothers said to him, “Do you intend to reign over us? Will you actually rule us?” And they hated him all the more because of his dream and what he had said.
After Joseph had innocently shared his first dream with his brothers, their reaction was vicious. From the text it’s clear why they reacted so negatively. First, they misinterpreted Joseph’s dream to be a reflection of his intention or ambition to reign over them. In other words, they interpreted their kid brother’s dreams psychologically, carnally, and politically. They saw everything as a power-game! That’s what politically-minded people do. Yet, the young man had only RECEIVED the dream. He did not manufacture it. He didn’t plan it. It was simply God-given. Joseph’s dreams were a reflection of God’s will for his life and the entire nation. It was all for the glory of God. Joseph’s brothers didn’t know that God knows the plans He has for each one of us (Jeremiah 29:11). They didn’t understand that God-given dreams are entirely different from human ambitions.
Dreams are one of the channels the Holy Spirit uses to disclose the destiny God has foreordained for His children (Acts 2:17). Joseph’s brothers were so carnal that they had no awareness of God’s involvement in human affairs whatsoever. The supernatural was alien to them. Their relationship with God was practically non-existent. No wonder, they plotted to kill their brother without any qualms! Their ungodliness rendered them inhumane. So, it is today. If your relationship with God is unsound, so will your relationship with fellow humans be. If you don’t know God, you’ll misunderstand people. You can’t love God and hate people (1 John 4:20). If you truly love God, you’ll love those made in His image.
Second, Joseph’s brothers misunderstood the implications of their brother’s prophetic success. Somehow, they concluded that their brother’s elevation would disadvantage them. They feared that his success would be at their expense. They were afraid that if he became powerful he would oppress them. Yet, the opposite was true! They didn’t know that when the righteous reign, the people rejoice (Proverbs 29:2). Joseph’s elevation would be a blessing not only to his brothers, but even to all the nations in the region! Saints, let us reject such a jealous attitude in our hearts today. Let us repent from every trace of envy and fear. Let us develop a culture of supporting each other’s dreams. Let us pray for each other’s promotion, growth, and success knowing that God will be glorified thereby. Let us celebrate each other’s dreams. Will you do that today?
Pastor Josh