“And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry” (Mat 4:2).
Today we take a closer look at the first temptation our Lord faced in the wilderness. On one level, Satan tried to capitalise on Jesus’ genuine need (hunger). Too many of us have lost our way in our quest to satisfy our genuine physical, material, natural needs. Saints beware! Every temptation is custom built with your specific need or desire in mind. Whenever you’re in need of anything, beware that Satan doesn’t step in first! Settle it in your heart and mind that YAHWEH is your Shepherd and you shall not lack (Ps 23:1). Don’t let your desperation lead you to compromise God’s will. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the appropriate word in season for your situation. I’ve personally learnt the power of this Jesus’ method. Learn from the best (Jesus). It works!
Pastor Josh