“Praise the LORD! Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who finds great delight in his commands” (Ps 112:1).
When a revelation of the rewards of walking with God dawns on you, you cannot help but also erupt in song, “Hallelujah!” Contrary to common notions, following Christ is not abandoning all fun and joy. Actually, the word translated “blessed” in our text literally means “happy”. It refers to the sense of wellbeing, fulfilment and joy that only comes to those who reverence God. When you habitually hallow the name of the Lord, you may seem to be missing out on some carnal recognition or approval. But you’re certainly not missing out on true, deep-seated, blessed joy. When you habitually delight in the word of God, you’re investing in a lifetime of uncommon contentment. Of course, this promise is not for those who merely go to church and somewhat tolerate the reading and preaching of the Scriptures! Such “joy unspeakable” is the preserve of those who choose to honour God in their hearts and lives and also enthusiastically embrace the wisdom of God. Let us claim this promise today!
Pastor Josh