“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden” (Mat 5:14).

In classical culture, an acropolis referred to the highest or topmost city in the region, built upon an area of elevated ground—chosen for defence and visibility. Such citadels were naturally prominent landmarks, by day and by night. They were built to be seen, not hidden. They were attractive and protective to their citizens as well as intimidating to foes.

Such is Jesus’ view of His disciples. He marvels when we try to be undercover saints. We don’t operate at low altitude, brethren! We have a topnotch location, topmost values and the world looks up to us. This is neither pride nor arrogance–we just know where the builder and chief architect of this Acropolis has placed us (Heb. 11:10). We are head and not tail, above only and not beneath (Deu. 28:13). That must reflect in our walk, thinking, plans, language, beliefs and value system. Let’s live up to who we are, beloved.

Pastor Josh