“The Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you” (Jo 14:17).

Here our Lord paints a picture of believers living in a close and personal relationship with the Paraclete, much like the disciples enjoyed with Jesus during His earthly sojourn. Jesus here distinguishes sinners from believers by the criterion of perception of and intimacy with the Spirit.

We enjoy two levels of acquaintance with the Spirit. He’s WITH us as the title Paraclete literally signifies, but He is also IN us. He’s alongside us and within us. We have lateral support and inner guidance. He’s our Senior Partner and our Indwelling Helper. This is a far cry from the common notion of the Spirit as a marginalised, silent and neglected partner! Let’s take full advantage of our divine advantage.

Pastor Josh