Revelation 5:3
And no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll or to look into it.
The mighty angel in our text must have fully exhausted his utmost recruitment skills before admitting the total lack of suitable candidates for the eternal vacancy.
Even from a natural viewpoint, the principle in this text should not be difficult to understand. Recruitment consultancies the world over do not hazard just anyone for the specialist jobs in their organisations. By their very nature, certain roles require only properly qualified persons. Usually a job specification–a detailed description of the role, including all responsibilities, objectives, and requirements–is prepared. Only then do they headhunt and recruit suitably qualified people. How much more for the eternal task!
To be qualified means having the necessary skill, experience, or knowledge to do a particular job or activity. It’s about having complied with the specific requirements or precedent conditions for a certain office or job.
Likewise, as we further study Revelation 5, we get to understand why nobody else could comply with the job and person specification for this heavenly and eternal assignment. Our appreciation of the Lord Jesus’ uniqueness will deepen greatly. Our gratitude for His matchless eternal work will grow enormously.
Pastor Josh