Revelation 19:20
Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone.
Often the kingdom of darkness seems formidable, invincible and enduring. But our huge advantage is that the last book of the Bible tells us how the “movie” of life ends. We know that our Hero (Jesus) wins and the villain loses dismally.
Some of the detail may be confusing. Some of the apocalyptic symbolism may be controversial. But there is no confusion about the fate of the devil, the Beast and the false prophet.
We know for certain that the enemy of our souls shall be captured. Those who successfully deceived millions around the globe, cannot cheat their way out of the clutches of divine arrest. All their cunning craftiness, satanic wiles and evil trickery shall come to nought.
We also know for certain that the evil duo of the Beast and the false prophet shall be helplessly cast into the lake of fire. That speaks of their irreversible judgment and destruction.
Note that they are dispatched into Gehenna while they are alive. That means God renders the frantic vitality of the wicked null and void at its best. True champions earn that title by beating the best challengers and peak competition. Beloved, there’s no greater Champion than Jesus. Bless His holy name!
Pastor Josh