Acts 10:19
While Peter thought on the vision, the Spirit said unto him, Behold, three men seek thee.
Beloved, the voice of the Holy Spirit was not rare to early church believers. Receiving the Spirit’s guidance in their day-to-day lives and ministry was normal. Their sensitivity to the promptings of the Spirit was sharp. No wonder they achieved such awesome results!
In the book of Acts, the divine Commissioner is very much involved in the execution of the Great Commission. He doesn’t send the disciples and then leave them to manage all on their own. He doesn’t abandon the heavenly mission to the whims of frail humanity. Rather, the Spirit is with them every step of the way–leading, connecting, revealing and saving. Same for us!
The Lord Jesus says hearing His voice is part and parcel of belonging to His flock (John 10:3-5). So shall it be in our generation! Like Peter in our text, you and I should distinctly hear the voice of the Spirit–regularly. We must expect to hear His voice frequently. So we should also confess and declare our faith and agreement with our Shepherd’s word about our ability to hear Him.
“Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers” (John 10:5). Agree with Him that your spirit man will not be fooled by the enemy’s voice. Your life shall be more and more fulfilling and successful as you learn to hearken to the Spirit as a way of life.
Pastor Josh