John 13:3-5
Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God; He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself. After that he poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded.
The Bible here states categorically that Jesus was fully aware of His divine authority as well as His heavenly origin and destiny when He got ready to wash the disciples’ feet. That means Jesus’ servant-leadership was intentional. Culturally back then, washing the feet of guests was a menial task reserved for slaves-the lowest social class in first-century Israel.
But to Jesus Christ, His servanthood was not a function of His inferiority but of His greatness. He did not consider His equality with God a reason not to serve (Phil 2:6-7). In the same manner, our greatness should inspire us to be ready to serve. Biblically, serving is not a reflection of inferiority or weakness. It is a function of greatness. That means your unwillingness to serve betrays your unawareness of your greatness.
Nowadays I see so many Christian folks who are reluctant to roll up their sleeves and serve in Christ’s field. Some serve but they do so grudgingly. They do so while complaining every step of the way. They are unwilling servants. Yet our Master demonstrates how to be a willing servant, a voluntary slave for the Lord.
I beseech you by the mercies of God to practice intentional servant-leadership. Find opportunities to serve the Lord by serving His people. Be the first to volunteer to serve at church. There is no task below your status. Don’t expect to be served. None of us is too high to serve. Now, how do we practically “wash feet” today? You don’t have to literally wash others feet, but you can find relevant ways of adding value to others.
You could make tea for others in meetings, at home and work. Help with the dishes. Help with logistics in the house of God. Warmly welcome visitors to church. Be friendly to seekers and fellow believers. Greet your neighbour in your hood, church or work. Be kind to the disadvantaged. Be courteous on the road. Treat waiters in restaurants with respect. Give. Pray for others. Visit the sick. Help with childcare. Offer a shoulder to cry on. Speak a word of encouragement. Mow the lawn. Offer someone a lift to church. Do all you can to demonstrate the love of God to fellow humans from all walks of life. Imitate Christ’s attitude where you are. That’s how you sow seeds of even more greatness.
Pastor Josh