But whoever drinks the water that I will give him will never become thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become a well of water for him, springing up to eternal life. John 4:14
Too many “Christians” today do not drink from Jesus’ fountain of every blessing. They prefer to just sip. Many believers are spiritually malnourished and don’t even know it. Beloveds, sipping is not the same as drinking! Tasting is not the same as feasting. That is the problem with so many believers. They’ve only sampled from the Spirit. They have not come to the place of saturation.
How can you tell whether you are tempted to be a Spiritual Taster instead of being a serious Spiritual Drinker? Tasters only want to sample the Word. They complain when church services overrun. They prefer only very short sermons. They dislike solid teaching of the Word. They go for exciting sound bites only. They struggle to spend 10 minutes in prayer but can spend hours watching TV. They can’t read through a chapter of the Bible a day but read tons of social media posts everyday. They have little time for God, fellowship, worship, Bible Study and church events, but total flexibility for fun, work, recreation and entertainment.
Without drinking deep you cannot be “intoxicated” in the Spirit. Nobody ever grows through merely tasting food. You have to feast regularly at your Father’s table. Let us all drink deep. May your spiritual appetite be voracious. May your hunger and thirst for righteousness exceed your desire for the things of this world.
Pastor Josh