Until the time his word came about, the word of Yahweh tested him.
Psalm 105:19 LEB
Generally speaking, a survival kit is a pack of emergency equipment or a collection of items to help someone in a particular situation. Such a kit does not include items of luxury, such as what may be included when going on holiday. It only comprises essential things for a given mission.
Likewise, spiritually speaking, as you and I are on a mission here on earth, there are essential resources we must have in order to survive and triumph. The Bible reveals that the world is inherently broken and under satanic tyranny. Contrary to what many saints think, we are living in perilous times. We are virtually in a state of war. The evil one prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom to devour. The current worldwide lockdown only compounds the importance of such a spiritual survival kit. Today we can only consider one crucial item.
That precious item is the personalised Word of God. Note that we are not referring here to the Scriptures in general as contained in the pages of the Bible. Rather we refer here to the PERSONALISED Word of God-that Word you have hidden in your heart so that you don’t sin against the Lord (Psalm 119:11). We are talking here about that Word that is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path (Psalm 119:105). It’s that Word you transfer from the pages of the Bible into the tablets of your own heart.
You see my friends, it’s not enough to have a head knowledge of the Scriptures. Only that Word which makes its way into your heart benefits your life. That’s the one that generates faith and miracles. That’s why biblical meditation is absolutely crucial. For it transfers the Word from the Bible, to your head and to your heart. Many believers don’t experience the power and blessing of God as they should because they don’t get to the place where they own and embrace the Word of God right in their hearts.
It’s interesting that during Joseph’s “lockdown”, the Word of the Lord tried and refined him. Do you see how Joseph’s destiny was intricately connected to the personalised Word in his life? That Word was a lamp to his feet and a light to his path when he faced all sorts of trials and tribulations along his journey to greatness. That Word preserved him from premature death. That Word emboldened him to resist temptation.
So will your personalised Word do for you! My dear friend, what Scriptures have become part and parcel of your heart and mind? Know them well. Cherish them. Hold on to them. Speak them. They will serve you greatly. Pastor Josh