So Saul clothed David with his armour, and he put a bronze helmet on his head; he also clothed him with a coat of mail. David fastened his sword to his armour and tried to walk, for he had not tested them. And David said to Saul, “I cannot walk with these, for I have not tested them. ” So David took them off. 1 Samuel 17:38-39


Granted, King Saul probably meant well when he clothed David with his armour for the battle ahead. It’s besides the point that since the King was extraordinarily tall, his armour was likely oversize to the young lad. At least he was basing his gesture on the conventions of the day. That’s all the poor desperate king knew.

However, it’s significant that David quickly realised that he wouldn’t be able to walk and manoeuvre well in Saul’s armour, let alone fight. So to David, Saul’s armour was excess baggage. The best option was to get rid of it (with all due respect).

My dear friend, do you realise that it’s possible for you and I to also try to fight our battles using “Saul’s armour”? Let us briefly explore this matter further for greater clarity and our edification.

For instance, when you try to live someone else’s dream, you’re likely operating with Saul’s armour. Whenever you find yourself trying to be someone else, you’re operating with Saul’s armour. When you feel awkward or phoney in your dream, role or ministry, you’re probably operating with Saul’s armour. As a rule, Saul’s armour is a lousy fit for you. It’s oversize and overweight for you. It’s a struggle. It’s burdensome. But the Lord Jesus’ yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:30).

May I remind you that each one of us has a unique purpose foreordained by God to walk in (Ephesians 2:10)? Although mentors, coaches and advisors are great, yet they cannot fulfil your unique earthly assignment for you. You must personally seek to run your own race of faith in your own way, with your own God-given resources. That includes the specific gifts, strengths and personality you have. Be yourself. Don’t be a copycat. Learn what you must from others, but put on your own customised, tailor-made battle armour.

I used to say very sincerely, “If I can be half the man of God my late Dad was, I would be thrilled.” I meant well, of course. But I have since discovered that I was also sincerely wrong! There was only one Pastor T. S. Chigorimbo and there isn’t going to be another. Now I know that I have to be the best Pastor Josh I can be. God is not looking for clones of my father. Although Dad was my hero and role model, I cannot bank on his faith. I cannot depend on his integrity. Although I can honour his legacy, I cannot duplicate it. I have to chart new waters for Christ in a different setting and context. I have to fulfil my purpose in my own generation.

As a rule, God doesn’t mass produce Ministers. He crafts each masterpiece specially and uniquely. That’s what you are! Look, when the day of battle arrives, it’s too late to prepare. It’s too late to try out new stuff. So practice using your own spiritual weaponry today. Take off Saul’s armour. Learn to pray powerful, effective prayers. Practice using your own faith. Put your mighty spiritual weapons to good use. Build your own legacy. Chart your own course. Fight your own battles. Run your own race, looking unto Jesus, the author and perfecter of your faith.

Pastor Josh