Philippians 3:13b
But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead…
Paul exemplifies a powerful truth in this text: the wisdom of intentional forgetting of the past. Unlike so many people nowadays, Paul refused to let his memories drown his dreams. He didn’t permit his past to derail his future. Neither should we.
People talk a lot about going down memory lane. That can be a dangerous journey, dear friends. Some of your past mistakes can derail your destiny of you dwell on them. Some of your previous successes can make you complacent if you dwell on them.
Stop going down memory lane. That only results in frustration, depression and even stagnation. Remember what happened to Mrs Lot? Instead, start going up your future lane. That will fill your heart with hope and faith.
The difference between your memories and your dreams is quite serious. You see, your memories are a reflection of your history. But your dreams are a preview of your future. They are God’s way of showing you where He’s taking you. And your future has nothing to do with your past. God doesn’t consult your history in order to catapult you to your destiny. No athlete runs well by looking backwards!
I plead with you by the mercies of God to intentionally forget the past. Don’t be in the habit of bringing up previous matters. Don’t be in the business of opening old wounds. Train yourself to forget the past. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you. I have as well.
Pastor Josh