Ephesians 5 :15a
See then that you walk circumspectly.
So far in this chapter, we have learned that God wants us to walk in love and to walk as children of light. Now we learn that godly people must walk circumspectly. What does that mean?
It means we must be careful about the way we lead our lives. To be circumspect literally means to look around first before you move. Just like when you cross the road, you look left, right and around you before you cross over. So it is in the days of our lives. Consider your circumstances before you make decisions. Godly people consider all relevant facts before acting.
Smart Christians don’t live carelessly. Don’t be reckless in your decision-making. Don’t be hasty. Don’t be impulsive. Don’t follow the mob. Never act under external pressure. How many problems have we suffered just because we didn’t consider all the facts?
For example, Joseph resisted temptation because he considered his boundaries, his boss, his God, his destiny and his integrity (see Genesis 39:1-9). See how God rewarded Joseph and blessed the nations because he walked circumspectly. Unbeknown to him, a lot hung on Joseph’s conduct: his personal destiny, that of his family, the nation of Israel, the nations and God’s redemption story. His life was part of a bigger picture, a grander narrative.
If he had compromised his destiny for the sake of temporary pleasure, the various people he was called to save from starvation and droughts would have perished. He would have missed the greatness God had predestined him for. He would have lost his role in God’s long term plan of salvation.
So it is for us today. Our personal decisions matter greatly before God. They impact many people near and far, in our generation and beyond. They impact our witness for Christ. They affect our destiny. That’s why we can’t live carelessly. That’s why we must walk circumspectly.
. Pastor Josh